.jpg)
1.
Sometimes,
the
weight
of
existence
feels
like
a
crushing
burden.
【#existentialcrisis】
2.
As
the
days
pass,
it
becomes
harder
and
harder
to
find
joy
in
the
mundane.
【#dailygrind】
3.
The
world
can
be
a
dark
and
unforgiving
place,
with
no
rhyme
or
reason
to
the
suffering.
【#harshreality】
4.
No
matter
how
hard
you
try,
sometimes
it
feels
like
you're
just
treading
water,
not
moving
forward
at
all.
【#stagnation】
5.
The
monotony
of
routine
can
be
soul-crushingly
oppressive.
【#feelingtrapped】
6.
It's
difficult
to
find
purpose
in
life
when
everything
feels
so
meaningless.
【#whatsthemeaning】
7.
The
drudgery
of
daily
life
can
sap
your
energy
and
leave
you
feeling
drained.
【#exhaustion】
8.
There's
a
sense
of
loneliness
that
comes
with
feeling
like
nobody
truly
understands
you.
【#misunderstood】
9.
When
it
feels
like
all
your
efforts
are
for
naught,
it
can
be
hard
to
find
the
motivation
to
keep
going.
【#whatsitallfor】
10.
The
weight
of
regret
can
be
unbearable,
dragging
you
down
into
a
pit
of
despair.
【#regretpain】
11.
Life
can
be
so
unpredictable,
throwing
curveballs
that
you
never
saw
coming.
【#unexpectedtwists】
12.
The
crushing
weight
of
responsibility
can
feel
like
an
insurmountable
obstacle.
【#responsibilityoverload】
13.
Sometimes
it
feels
like
the
darkness
within
you
is
too
great
to
overcome.
【#darknesswithin】
14.
When
life
is
constantly
throwing
lemons
at
you,
it
can
be
hard
to
make
lemonade.
【#whenlifegivesyoulemons】
15.
It's
easy
to
feel
like
you're
drowning
in
a
sea
of
stress
and
anxiety.
【#overwhelmed】
16.
The
weight
of
past
mistakes
can
be
a
heavy
burden
to
bear.
【#pastmistakes】
17.
It's
hard
to
feel
like
you're
making
progress
when
every
step
forward
is
followed
by
two
steps
back.
【#twostepsback】
18.
The
monotony
of
life
can
feel
like
a
sentence
to
be
served,
rather
than
an
adventure
to
be
had.
【#mundaneexistence】
19.
The
darkness
of
depression
can
be
all-consuming,
leaving
little
room
for
hope
or
happiness.
【#battlewithdepression】
20.
When
it
feels
like
the
weight
of
the
world
is
on
your
shoulders,
it's
hard
to
see
a
way
forward.
【#weightoftheworld】