.jpg)
1.
Money
may
not
buy
happiness,
but
it
can
certainly
make
your
journey
smoother.
【金钱并不能买来幸福,但它能让你的旅途更加顺利。
】
2.
Don't
let
money
be
the
only
motivation
behind
your
actions.
Work
towards
your
passions
and
the
income
will
follow
suit.
【不要让钱成为你行动唯一的动力。
追随你的激情,收入会自然而然地跟随。
】
3.
It's
not
about
the
amount
of
money
in
your
bank
account,
it's
about
the
value
you
bring
to
the
world
with
it.
【问题并不在于你银行账户里的资金量,而在于你如何用它为世界创造价值。
】
4.
Money
can't
buy
you
love,
but
it
can
certainly
make
for
some
great
experiences
with
the
ones
you
care
about.
【金钱买不到爱,但它能让你和你关心的人一起创造美好的体验。
】
5.
Invest
in
yourself,
and
watch
as
the
money
flows
towards
you
effortlessly.
【投资自己,然后看着金钱毫不费力地涌向你。
】
6.
It's
not
about
having
the
most
money,
it's
about
what
you
do
with
it
to
make
a
difference.
【问题不在于你拥有最多的金钱,而在于你如何用它产生影响。
】
7.
The
real
wealth
lies
in
the
lessons
learned
and
the
experiences
gained,
not
the
digits
on
your
bank
statement.
【真正的财富在于所学到的教训和所获得的经验,而不在于你银行账户上的数字。
】
8.
Don't
let
greed
blind
you
to
the
importance
of
building
genuine
connections
with
those
around
you.
【不要让贪婪让你忽视与周围人建立真正的联系的重要性。
】
9.
Money
is
an
important
tool,
but
it
doesn't
define
our
worth.
【金钱是一个重要的工具,但它并不能定义我们的价值。
】
10.
The
best
things
in
life
are
free,
but
sometimes
a
little
money
can
go
a
long
way
in
making
them
even
better.
【生活中最好的事情都是免费的,但有时候一点小钱可以让它们变得更好。
】
11.
Don't
let
chasing
money
blind
you
to
the
things
that
truly
matter
in
life
–
love,
family,
and
happiness.
【不要让追求金钱让你失去生命中真正重要的事物
-
爱,家庭和幸福。
】
12.
Money
can
come
and
go,
but
the
relationships
we
build
can
last
a
lifetime.
【金钱可能会来去无踪,但我们建立的关系可以持续一生。
】
13.
Success
is
not
measured
by
the
amount
of
money
you
make,
but
the
impact
you
have
on
the
world
around
you.
【成功不是根据你赚到多少钱来衡量的,而是根据你对周围世界的影响来衡量的。
】
14.
True
happiness
comes
not
from
the
accumulation
of
wealth,
but
from
the
satisfaction
of
doing
something
that
truly
matters.
【真正的幸福不是来自财富的积累,而是来自做一些真正重要的事情的满足感。
】
15.
Use
your
money
to
give
back
to
the
world,
and
watch
as
it
comes
back
to
you
in
ways
you
never
could
have
imagined.
【用你的钱回报世界,然后看着它以你无法想象的方式回报你。
】
16.
Don't
let
the
pursuit
of
money
cloud
your
judgment
of
what
is
truly
important
in
life.
【不要让追求金钱模糊你对生命中真正重要的事情的判断。
】
17.
Money
can
help
solve
some
problems,
but
it
can't
buy
you
happiness.
【金钱可以解决一些问题,但它买不来你的幸福。
】
18.
Work
hard,
stay
true
to
yourself,
and
the
money
will
come
eventually.
【努力工作,保持真实,金钱最终会来。
】
19.
Money
is
a
tool,
not
a
source
of
happiness.
Use
it
wisely.
【金钱是工具,不是幸福的来源。
明智地使用它。
】
20.
Remember
that
the
best
things
in
life
are
free,
and
the
rest
can
be
achieved
with
hard
work
and
determination.
【记住,生命中最好的东西是免费的,其余的可以通过努力和决心实现。
】