1.
"Sometimes
the
best
things
in
life
are
the
unexpected
ones
that
we
stumble
upon.
"
【选择闯入生活】
2.
"Life
is
too
short
to
always
play
it
safe,
take
risks
and
let
life
surprise
you.
"
【选择闯入生活】
3.
"The
most
beautiful
things
in
life
are
often
the
ones
we
didn't
plan
for.
"
【选择闯入生活】
4.
"Embrace
the
unknown,
it
might
just
lead
you
to
where
you're
meant
to
be.
"
【选择闯入生活】
5.
"Sometimes,
stepping
out
of
your
comfort
zone
can
be
the
start
of
an
amazing
adventure.
"
【选择闯入生活】
6.
"You
never
know
what
opportunities
will
come
knocking
if
you
don't
answer
the
door.
"
【选择闯入生活】
7.
"If
you
always
do
what
you've
always
done,
you'll
always
get
what
you've
always
got.
"
【选择闯入生活】
8.
"Life
is
full
of
surprises,
some
good
and
some
bad,
but
all
of
them
worth
experiencing.
"
【选择闯入生活】
9.
"Don't
be
afraid
to
take
a
chance,
the
universe
might
just
reward
you
for
it.
"
【选择闯入生活】
10.
"The
best
way
to
find
yourself
is
to
lose
yourself
in
something
new
and
unexpected.
"
【选择闯入生活】
11.
"Life
is
like
a
box
of
chocolates,
you
never
know
what
you're
going
to
get.
"
【选择闯入生活】
12.
"Follow
your
instincts,
they
might
just
lead
you
to
your
greatest
adventure
yet.
"
【选择闯入生活】
13.
"Sometimes,
the
greatest
moments
in
life
are
the
ones
we
didn't
plan
for.
"
【选择闯入生活】
14.
"Life
is
too
short
to
always
have
a
plan,
sometimes
you
just
need
to
go
with
the
flow.
"
【选择闯入生活】
15.
"Embrace
the
chaos,
it
might
just
be
the
start
of
something
beautiful.
"
【选择闯入生活】
16.
"The
greatest
adventures
in
life
are
the
ones
that
are
unplanned
and
unexpected.
"
【选择闯入生活】
17.
"Step
outside
your
comfort
zone
and
let
life
surprise
you.
"
【选择闯入生活】
18.
"Life
is
an
adventure,
why
not
take
the
road
less
travelled.
"
【选择闯入生活】
19.
"Don't
be
afraid
to
take
a
leap
of
faith,
you
never
know
where
it
might
take
you.
"
【选择闯入生活】
20.
"The
best
way
to
make
the
most
of
life
is
to
embrace
every
opportunity
that
comes
your
way.
"
【选择闯入生活】