.jpg)
1.
"The
worst
kind
of
pain
is
when
you're
smiling
just
to
stop
the
tears
from
falling.
"
-
Unknown】
2.
"Grief
is
the
price
we
pay
for
love.
"
-
Queen
Elizabeth
3.
"Sometimes
you
need
to
run
away
just
to
see
who
will
come
after
you.
"
-
Lisa
Brooks】
4.
"Brave
is
the
heart
that
still
loves
after
it's
been
hurt.
"
-
Anonymous】
5.
"Tears
shed
for
another
person
are
not
a
sign
of
weakness.
They
are
a
sign
of
a
pure
heart.
"
-
José
N.
Harris】
6.
"The
fear
of
being
alone
is
one
of
the
greatest
fears
we
all
share.
"
-
Janet
Jackson】
7.
"Pain
is
inevitable.
Suffering
is
optional.
"
-
Haruki
Murakami】
8.
"Things
have
a
way
of
working
themselves
out,
but
only
if
you
let
them.
"
-
R.
A.
Salvatore】
9.
"The
greatest
gift
you
can
give
someone
is
your
own
healing.
"
-
Unknown】
10.
"When
your
heart
hurts,
sometimes
it's
better
to
let
yourself
feel
it
fully,
rather
than
to
numb
it
with
distractions.
"
-
Anonymous】
11.
"You
never
know
how
strong
you
are
until
being
strong
is
the
only
choice
you
have.
"
-
Bob
Marley】
12.
"It's
okay
to
be
a
glowstick:
sometimes
we
need
to
break
before
we
shine.
"
-
Unknown】
13.
"We
don't
heal
in
isolation,
but
in
community.
"
-
S.
Kelley
Harrell】
14.
"Some
people
come
into
our
lives
and
quickly
go.
Some
stay
for
a
while,
leave
footprints
on
our
hearts,
and
we
are
never,
ever
the
same.
"
-
Flavia
Weedn】
15.
"Sadness
gives
depth.
Happiness
gives
height.
Sadness
gives
roots.
Happiness
gives
branches.
Happiness
is
like
a
tree
going
into
the
sky,
and
sadness
is
like
the
roots
going
down
into
the
womb
of
the
earth.
Both
are
needed,
and
the
higher
a
tree
goes,
the
deeper
it
goes,
simultaneously.
The
bigger
the
tree,
the
bigger
will
be
its
roots.
In
fact,
it
is
always
in
proportion.
That’s
its
balance.
"
-
Osho】
16.
"The
pain
you
feel
today
is
the
strength
you
feel
tomorrow.
"
-
Unknown】
17.
"We
all
have
scars,
both
inside
and
outside.
They
remind
us
of
where
we've
been
and
what
we've
overcome.
"
-
Sarah
J.
Maas】
18.
"The
only
way
to
get
through
tough
times
is
to
keep
moving
forward.
"
-
Unknown】
19.
"Sometimes
the
smallest
step
in
the
right
direction
ends
up
being
the
biggest
step
of
your
life.
Tiptoe
if
you
must,
but
take
the
step.
"
-
Naeem
Callaway】
20.
"The
beauty
of
life
is,
while
we
cannot
undo
what
is
done,
we
can
see
it,
understand
it,
learn
from
it
and
change
so
that
every
new
moment
is
spent
not
in
regret,
guilt,
fear
or
anger,
but
in
wisdom,
understanding,
and
love.
"
-
Jennifer
Edwards】