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1.
爱情需要两个人的付出和努力【Love
requires
effort
and
dedication
from
two
people】
。
2.
婚姻不仅仅是两个人之间的契约,也是一种精神和心灵的共鸣【Marriage
is
not
only
a
contract
between
two
individuals,
but
also
a
spiritual
and
emotional
connection】
。
3.
爱情不能仅仅建立在浪漫和激情之上,还需要深厚的感情基础【Love
cannot
be
built
solely
on
romance
and
passion,
it
also
requires
a
strong
emotional
foundation】
。
4.
真正的爱情不是单方面的,它需要双方的建立和维护【True
love
is
not
one-sided,
it
requires
effort
and
dedication
from
both
parties】
。
5.
善待对方是维持一段长久感情的重要原则【Treating
each
other
with
kindness
is
a
crucial
principle
in
sustaining
a
long-lasting
relationship】
。
6.
爱情需要耐心、理解和信任,这些品质同样适用于婚姻【Love
demands
patience,
understanding,
and
trust,
all
essential
qualities
in
a
successful
marriage】
。
7.
两个人在一起需要互相包容、相互支持,并且彼此尊重【Being
together
means
tolerating
each
other's
flaws,
supporting
one
another,
and
showing
mutual
respect】
。
8.
爱情需要勇气,勇气去承担责任和面对挑战【Love
requires
courage,
the
courage
to
take
responsibility
and
face
challenges
together】
。
9.
爱情需要细心和关注,将细节放在心头,为对方着想,从而产生更深刻的情感连接【Love
demands
attention
to
detail,
taking
care
to
show
consideration
for
each
other,
and
fostering
a
deeper
emotional
connection】
。
10.
婚姻需要双方对关系的认真维护,退一步海阔天空【Marriage
requires
both
parties
to
be
dedicated
to
the
relationship,
and
sometimes
it
requires
compromise】
。
11.
一份好的感情需要平衡,给予和接受同样重要【A
successful
relationship
demands
balance,
giving
and
receiving
are
equally
important】
。
12.
爱情应该给我们翅膀,让我们飞翔,而不是给我们枷锁【Love
should
give
us
wings
to
fly,
not
chains
to
bind
us】
。
13.
情感不分年龄,年龄不是限制爱情发生的因素【Age
should
not
be
a
factor
in
determining
love
and
emotional
connections】
。
14.
爱情需要的不只是浪漫,还要有耐心、信任和责任感【Love
requires
more
than
just
romance,
it
demands
patience,
trust,
and
a
sense
of
responsibility】
。
15.
爱情并不是完美的,它需要维持和调整,以适应生活的各个阶段【Love
isn't
perfect,
it
requires
work
and
adjustment
to
adapt
to
different
stages
of
life】
。
16.
想要建立一份成功的感情,需要勇气去表达和坦诚,不断尝试和改善【Building
a
successful
relationship
requires
courage
to
express
oneself
honestly,
continuous
efforts
and
improvements】
。
17.
每个人都应该拥有自己的爱情故事,对于那份感情应该自信而坚定【Everyone
deserves
their
own
love
story,
and
should
be
confident
and
determined
in
their
feelings】
。
18.
婚姻并不是结束,而是开始,在这开始中你们需要理解和包容彼此,而不是逃避或忘记【Marriage
is
not
an
end,
it's
a
beginning,
and
it
demands
understanding
and
tolerance,
not
avoidance
or
forgetting】
。
19.
爱情就像大海,需要相互信任,相互扶持才能度过风雨【Love
is
like
the
ocean,
it
requires
trust
and
support
to
navigate
through
the
storms】
。
20.
忠于自己的心是保持一段感情长久稳定的重要要素【Being
true
to
oneself
is
essential
in
maintaining
a
stable
and
long-lasting
relationship】
。