1.
"I
never
regretted
giving
up
the
luxurious
lifestyle
and
opting
for
a
simple
one.
"
【感受生活的美好】
2.
"Living
a
life
of
contentment
can
bring
more
happiness
than
living
the
most
lavish
lifestyle.
"
【满足的生活是最幸福的生活】
3.
"The
best
things
in
life
are
not
things
at
all,
but
the
experiences
and
people
we
encounter
along
the
way.
"
【珍爱经历与人心】
4.
"Life
is
too
short
to
waste
it
on
material
possessions
that
bring
no
real
joy
or
happiness.
"
【生命太短,享受真正的快乐】
5.
"Money
can
buy
you
a
lot
of
things,
but
it
can’t
buy
you
inner
peace
and
true
contentment.
"
【金钱不能买到内心的平静与满足】
6.
"Simplicity
is
the
ultimate
sophistication.
"
-
Leonardo
da
Vinci
【简单是最高的复杂】
7.
"Living
a
simple
life
allows
you
to
focus
on
what
truly
matters
in
life.
"
【简单生活专注真正的幸福】
8.
"The
less
you
have,
the
more
you
appreciate
what
you
do
have.
"
【拥有少了,更珍惜所爱】
9.
"Happiness
is
not
having
what
you
want
but
wanting
what
you
have.
"
【幸福不是拥有所求,而是爱已所拥】
10.
"Minimalism
is
not
a
lack
of
something.
It's
simply
the
perfect
amount
of
something.
"【极简主义并不是没有东西,而是有恰到好处的东西】
11.
"Living
a
simple
life
is
not
just
about
having
less
but
about
creating
more
space
in
your
life
for
the
things
that
truly
matter.
"
【简单生活不只是拥有更少,而是留下更多真正重要的空间】
12.
"When
you
live
a
simple
life,
you
appreciate
the
beauty
in
simplicity.
"
【简单生活让人珍惜生活之美】
13.
"More
is
not
always
better.
Sometimes,
less
is
truly
more.
"
【拥有不等于幸福,有时候简简单单便是幸福】
14.
"Living
a
simple
life
brings
more
peace
and
harmony
to
both
the
mind
and
soul.
"
【简单生活让心灵更加平静和谐】
15.
"Life
is
made
of
moments,
not
things.
"
【生命是由感受构成,而不是物品】
16.
"The
true
joy
in
life
comes
from
the
simple
pleasures
that
we
often
overlook.
"
【快乐源自简单的生活享受】
17.
"Living
a
simple
life
means
not
being
controlled
by
your
possessions
but
controlling
your
possessions.
"
【简单生活是不让物质主导你,而是掌控物质】
18.
"Happiness
is
not
found
in
external
possessions
but
within
ourselves.
"
【幸福不在于物质,而在于内心】
19.
"Living
a
simple
life
requires
more
than
just
changing
your
lifestyle,
it
requires
a
change
in
mindset.
"
【简单生活需要改变生活方式,也需要改变思维模式】
20.
"When
you
live
a
simple
life,
you
create
more
opportunities
for
peace,
joy,
and
fulfillment.
"
【简单生活创造了更多平静、欢乐和满足的机会】