.jpg)
1.
The
sprouts
of
hope
always
find
a
way
to
grow,
even
in
the
darkest
of
places.
【希望的嫩芽总能在最黑暗的地方找到生长的道路。
】
2.
tiny
sprout
can
break
through
concrete
and
bloom
into
a
beautiful
flower.
Never
underestimate
the
power
of
hope.
【微小的嫩芽可以冲破混凝土,绽放出美丽的花朵。
永远不要低估希望的力量。
】
3.
The
nourishing
rain
and
sunshine
are
the
nutrients
that
help
the
sprouts
of
hope
to
thrive.
【滋养的雨和阳光是帮助希望的嫩芽茁壮成长的营养素。
】
4.
Every
day
is
a
new
opportunity
for
the
sprouts
of
hope
to
reach
towards
the
sky.
【每一天都是希望的嫩芽向着天空伸展的新机会。
】
5.
Hope
is
the
guiding
light
that
helps
the
sprouts
to
find
their
way
towards
the
sun.
【希望是引导嫩芽朝向太阳的指路明灯。
】
6.
The
journey
of
hope
may
be
full
of
challenges,
but
it's
always
worth
the
effort.
【希望的旅程可能充满挑战,但是它总是值得努力。
】
7.
Like
the
sprouts
that
need
care
and
attention,
hope
also
requires
nurturing
and
patience.
【像需要关注和呵护的嫩芽一样,希望也需要培养和耐心。
】
8.
The
beauty
of
hope
lies
in
its
ability
to
survive
against
all
odds
and
blossom
into
something
lovely.
【希望的美丽在于其能够克服一切困难,并开放成可爱的生命。
】
9.
Hope
is
the
song
that
the
sprouts
sing,
giving
us
a
reason
to
keep
moving
forward
with
courage
and
strength.
【希望是嫩芽唱的歌,它给我们勇气和力量继续向前。
】
10.
The
sprouts
of
hope
are
like
tiny
stars
that
light
up
our
world
and
guide
us
through
the
darkness.
【希望的嫩芽就像微小的星星,照亮我们的世界,引导我们走出黑暗。
】
11.
Hope
is
the
seed
that,
when
planted,
grows
into
a
forest
full
of
possibilities.
【希望是种子,当种下时,它会在未来开出无限的可能性森林。
】
12.
The
sprouts
of
hope
remind
us
that
even
the
tiniest
things
have
the
potential
to
make
a
big
impact.
【希望的嫩芽提醒我们,即使最微小的事物也有可能产生巨大的影响。
】
13.
Hope
is
the
voice
that
whispers
in
our
ear,
telling
us
that
things
will
get
better
if
we
persevere.
【希望是那个轻声低语在我们耳边,告诉我们如果坚持努力就会变得更好。
】
14.
The
sprouts
of
hope
are
a
reminder
that
growth
and
change
are
always
possible,
no
matter
how
difficult
the
circumstances
may
seem.
【希望的嫩芽提醒我们,成长和变化总是可能的,无论情况多么困难。
】
15.
Hope
is
the
beacon
that
illuminates
the
difficult
path
ahead,
giving
us
the
confidence
to
forge
ahead.
【希望是照亮前方困难道路的灯塔,给我们勇气前进。
】
16.
Like
the
sprouts
that
slowly
but
surely
grow
into
a
mighty
tree,
hope
may
take
time
but
it's
worth
the
wait.
【就像嫩芽缓慢但稳健的生长成为强大的树木一样,希望也需要时间,但等待是值得的。
】
17.
The
sprouts
of
hope
may
be
fragile,
but
their
strength
comes
from
their
resilience
and
determination
to
survive.
【希望的嫩芽可能很脆弱,但它们的强大来自于它们的韧性和求生的决心。
】
18.
Hope
is
the
hand
that
pulls
us
up
when
we
are
down,
giving
us
the
courage
to
face
another
day.
【希望是把我们从低谷拉起的手,给我们勇气面对新的一天。
】
19.
The
sprouts
of
hope
are
a
reminder
that
life
is
a
journey
that
is
full
of
surprises
and
wonder.
【希望的嫩芽提醒我们,生命是一段充满惊喜和奇妙的旅程。
】
20.
Hope
is
the
spark
that
ignites
the
fire
within
us,
inspiring
us
to
reach
for
our
dreams.
【希望是激发我们内心之火的火花,鼓舞我们追求梦想。
】