.jpg)
1.
Loneliness
doesn't
discriminate;
it
strikes
beautiful
and
successful
women
as
easily
as
anyone
else.
【心情不好】
2.
Sometimes,
inner
turmoil
takes
over
and
makes
it
incredibly
hard
to
force
a
smile.
【难以微笑】
3.
Being
beautiful
doesn't
make
you
immune
to
heartbreak,
betrayal,
or
disappointment.
【不是豁免证】
4.
It's
easy
to
feel
like
you're
drowning
in
a
sea
of
problems,
even
when
everyone
else
thinks
you
have
it
all
together.
【虽美仍有烦恼】
5.
The
pressure
to
be
perfect
and
smile
all
the
time
can
be
downright
exhausting.
【压力山大】
6.
Just
because
you're
pretty
doesn't
mean
you
can't
experience
the
lowest
of
lows.
【所以,无需羡慕】
7.
It's
hard
to
be
happy
when
you
feel
like
the
world
is
constantly
judging
you
based
on
your
appearance.
【世人目光】
8.
pretty
face
can
hide
a
lot
of
sadness
and
pain.
【不只美丽肤色】
9.
No
matter
how
beautiful
you
are,
you're
still
a
human
being
with
real
emotions.
【人生无完美】
10.
There
are
days
when
it
feels
like
being
pretty
is
both
a
blessing
and
a
curse.
【两面性】
11.
Pretending
to
be
happy
when
you're
not
can
feel
like
a
never-ending
battle.
【虚伪】
12.
Gorgeous
women
have
bad
days
too,
even
when
they
look
like
they
have
everything
going
for
them.
【有难言之隐】
13.
Beauty
fades,
but
emotional
scars
can
last
a
lifetime.
【美貌难以长存】
14.
Sometimes,
it's
hard
to
shake
off
feelings
of
isolation
and
despair,
even
when
you're
surrounded
by
people.
【孤独感】
15.
pretty
face
doesn't
always
equate
to
a
happy
heart.
【外貌与内心】
16.
When
you
feel
like
you're
not
good
enough,
no
amount
of
compliments
can
chase
the
darkness
away.
【自我否定】
17.
Gorgeous
women
are
still
vulnerable
to
insecurities
and
low
self-esteem.
【自卑情结】
18.
It's
okay
to
feel
sad
sometimes,
regardless
of
how
you
look
on
the
outside.
【情绪正常】
19.
Don't
let
anyone
tell
you
that
beauty
is
all
that
matters
in
life.
【外貌不是一切】
20.
The
most
beautiful
thing
about
you
might
not
be
what
you
see
in
the
mirror.
【自我认知】