1.
understand
that
we
may
have
different
opinions,
but
can
we
try
to
see
things
from
each
other's
perspective?
【Understanding】
2.
I'm
sorry
if
came
across
as
aggressive,
but
it's
because
feel
strongly
about
this
topic.
【Apology】
3.
Let's
take
a
deep
breath
and
approach
this
conversation
calmly
and
respectfully.
【Taking
it
slow】
4.
Can
we
agree
to
disagree
and
move
on
from
this
disagreement?
【Agreeing
to
disagree】
5.
value
your
opinion
and
would
like
to
understand
your
viewpoint
better.
【Respect】
6.
I'm
sorry
if
raised
my
voice
earlier,
promise
to
speak
more
softly
and
listen
to
you
better.
【Speaking
softly】
7.
Can
we
take
a
moment
to
cool
off
and
come
back
to
this
conversation
when
we're
both
less
heated?
【Taking
a
break】
8.
appreciate
your
passion
for
this
issue,
and
hope
you
can
appreciate
mine
as
well.
【Appreciation】
9.
Let's
focus
on
finding
a
solution
that
works
for
both
of
us,
instead
of
trying
to
prove
who's
right.
【Finding
a
middle
ground】
10.
understand
if
you
need
time
to
think
about
what
we've
discussed,
and
I'm
happy
to
revisit
it
when
you're
ready.
【Respecting
space】
11.
apologize
for
any
hurtful
things
may
have
said,
and
hope
you
can
forgive
me.
【Asking
for
forgiveness】
12.
Can
we
try
to
approach
this
conversation
with
an
open
mind
and
heart,
instead
of
being
defensive?
【Open-mindedness】
13.
Let's
keep
in
mind
that
we
love
and
care
for
each
other,
even
when
we
disagree.
【Love
and
care】
14.
I'm
sorry
if
interrupted
you
earlier,
please
continue
and
promise
to
listen
attentively.
【Active
listening】
15.
Can
we
focus
on
discussing
the
issue
at
hand,
instead
of
bringing
up
past
mistakes
or
disagreements?
【Staying
on
topic】
16.
understand
that
our
emotions
may
be
heightened
right
now,
but
let's
try
to
handle
this
conversation
respectfully.
【Emotional
regulation】
17.
Can
we
take
turns
speaking
and
avoid
talking
over
each
other?
【Taking
turns】
18.
value
our
relationship
and
don't
want
this
disagreement
to
harm
it.
Let's
work
together
to
find
a
resolution.
【Valuing
the
relationship】
19.
I'm
sorry
if
misunderstood
your
point,
can
you
please
clarify
it
for
me?
【Seeking
clarification】
20.
Let's
work
towards
finding
a
constructive
solution
instead
of
attacking
each
other
personally.
【Constructive
communication】