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1.
在大自然中的一切都是那么完美,这就是为什么喜欢户外瑜伽。
【Nature
is
perfect,
and
that's
why
love
outdoor
yoga.
】
2.
与自然共舞,以呼吸为伴,感觉每一次呼吸都能带来新的生命力。
【Dancing
with
nature,
breathing
as
my
companion,
feel
every
breath
brings
new
life.
】
3.
瑜伽让我们的身体和灵魂都得到了重生,尤其在户外,它让一切变得更美好。
【Yoga
brings
rebirth
to
both
our
bodies
and
souls,
especially
outdoors
where
everything
looks
more
beautiful.
】
4.
瑜伽带来的平静与灵感,都源自自然的恢宏壮丽与生命的力量。
【Yoga's
calm
and
inspiration
come
from
nature's
grandeur
and
life's
power.
】
5.
在信仰和自然中寻找平衡,这就是户外瑜伽带来的奇妙体验。
【Finding
balance
in
faith
and
nature,
that's
the
magic
of
outdoor
yoga.
】
6.
瑜伽不仅让我们的身体和心灵得到锻炼,同时也让我们更好地欣赏美丽的自然。
【Yoga
not
only
exercises
our
body
and
soul,
but
also
helps
us
appreciate
the
beauty
of
nature.
】
7.
湖畔、草地、山峰,都是冥想和平静的好去处。
【Lakeside,
grassland,
mountain
peaks,
all
are
good
places
for
meditation
and
tranquility.
】
8.
我们的呼吸与自然的呼吸融为一体,这就是户外瑜伽的魔力所在。
【Our
breath
becomes
one
with
nature's
breath,
that's
the
magic
of
outdoor
yoga.
】
9.
每次在户外瑜伽,我都感觉自己正在与宇宙共振。
【Every
outdoor
yoga
practice,
feel
I'm
in
resonance
with
the
universe.
】
10.
总有一刻,在户外瑜伽的世界里,我的身心都跟随大自然的呼吸跳动。
【There's
always
a
moment
in
the
world
of
outdoor
yoga
when
my
body
and
soul
beat
to
the
rhythm
of
nature's
breath.
】
11.
瑜伽是关于连接,而连接的真理,正是大自然本身。
【Yoga
is
about
connection,
and
the
truth
of
connection
is
nature
itself.
】
12.
每个人都需要一点大自然的魔法,而户外瑜伽就是其中的一种。
【Everyone
needs
a
bit
of
magic
from
nature,
and
outdoor
yoga
is
one
of
them.
】
13.
感受自然的呼吸和自身的呼吸,一起呼吸,一起呼吸,合为一体。
【Feel
the
breath
of
nature
and
our
own
breath,
breathe
together,
be
one.
】
14.
在户外瑜伽中,我们瞥见了自然的美丽,也找到了自己的本真与平衡。
【In
outdoor
yoga,
we
catch
a
glimpse
of
nature's
beauty
and
find
our
own
authenticity
and
balance.
】
15.
整齐的呼吸和美丽的景色,让我觉得自己好像正在与大自然歌唱。
【Synced
breath
and
stunning
scenery
make
me
feel
like
singing
with
nature.
】
16.
在户外瑜伽中,我们能够从微小而美丽的事物中找到灵感和力量。
【In
outdoor
yoga,
we
can
find
inspiration
and
strength
in
small
and
beautiful
things.
】
17.
连接大自然,感受身体与环境的深度合一,这就是户外瑜伽最迷人的之处。
【Connecting
with
nature,
feeling
the
deep
unity
between
our
body
and
the
environment,
that's
outdoor
yoga's
most
charming
feature.
】
18.
感受着自然的呼吸、风吹草动、鸟语花香,我们逐渐重拾了自己内心的每一点感觉。
【Feeling
nature's
breath,
the
rustling
of
leaves,
the
fragrance
of
flowers
and
the
sound
of
birds,
we
gradually
reclaim
every
bit
of
our
inner
feeling.
】
19.
与大自然的联系无需语言,只要一呼一吸,一动一静,一切都在默默的沟通。
【Connecting
with
nature
requires
no
language,
just
breath,
movement
and
stillness,
everything
communicates
silently.
】
20.
瑜伽让我们更好的去体验大自然并沉浸其中,从而感受到更深层次的自我。
【Yoga
enables
us
to
experience
nature
better
and
immerse
ourselves
in
it,
thus
feeling
a
deeper
sense
of
self.
】