1.
"The
morning
sun
was
too
gentle
to
disturb
my
dreams.
"
【梦中躺着,阳光悄悄地来临。
】
2.
"The
soft
bed
and
warm
blankets
felt
like
heaven,
couldn't
bear
to
leave
them.
"
【舒适的床和温暖的被子,感觉就像天堂,让我舍不得离开。
】
3.
"The
sound
of
raindrops
on
the
windowpane
made
me
want
to
stay
snuggled
up
all
day.
"
【窗户上雨滴的声音让我想整天都蜷缩着不动。
】
4.
"The
world
can
wait
a
little
longer
while
soak
up
the
serenity
of
the
morning.
"
【这个世界可以等待一会,让我沉浸在清晨的宁静中。
】
5.
"The
comfort
of
procrastination
is
too
alluring
for
me
to
resist.
"
【拖延的舒适实在太诱人难以抵挡。
】
6.
"The
prospect
of
facing
the
day
seemed
too
daunting
to
get
out
of
bed.
"
【面对一天的前景似乎太可怕了,让我不想离开床。
】
7.
"The
pillowcase
was
imprinted
with
the
contours
of
my
face,
as
if
begging
me
to
stay
a
little
longer.
"
【枕头上印着我脸部的轮廓,仿佛在恳求我再多躺一会。
】
8.
"The
darkness
of
the
morning
seemed
to
swallow
me
whole,
making
it
impossible
to
move.
"
【清晨的黑暗似乎要把我吞噬掉,让我无法动弹。
】
9.
"The
thought
of
leaving
my
cozy
cocoon
was
enough
to
send
shivers
down
my
spine.
"
【想要离开我的舒适小窝,就足以让我毛骨悚然。
】
10.
"The
silence
of
the
morning
was
too
precious
to
break
with
the
chaos
of
the
day.
"
【清晨的寂静太珍贵了,不能用日常的喧嚣打破。
】
11.
"The
warmth
of
my
bed
seemed
to
seep
into
my
bones,
making
it
impossible
to
leave.
"
【我的床的温暖似乎渗透到我的骨骼中,让我无法离开。
】
12.
"The
morning
was
too
beautiful
to
leave
behind
closed
doors.
"
【早晨太美了,不想被关在门后。
】
13.
"The
mere
thought
of
facing
the
world
outside
my
door
brought
on
a
sense
of
dread.
"
【只是想想面对门外的世界,就让我感到害怕。
】
14.
"The
serenity
of
my
dreams
seemed
too
perfect
to
sacrifice
for
reality.
"
【梦中的宁静似乎太完美了,不想为了现实而牺牲。
】
15.
"The
sheets
and
blankets
were
like
a
warm
hug,
making
it
impossible
to
let
go.
"
【床单和被子就像一个温暖的拥抱,让我舍不得离开。
】
16.
"The
morning
light
was
too
soft
to
be
disturbed
by
the
harshness
of
reality.
"
【清晨的光线太柔软,不想被现实的严酷打扰。
】
17.
"The
idea
of
facing
the
responsibilities
of
the
day
seemed
too
heavy
a
burden
to
bear.
"
【面对今天的责任,感觉太沉重让我难以承受。
】
18.
"The
comfort
of
my
bed
made
me
feel
like
a
queen,
and
who
would
want
to
give
that
up?"
【床的舒适让我感觉像是一个女王,谁不想保持这样的感觉呢?】
19.
"The
morning
seemed
to
stretch
out
in
front
of
me,
and
wasn't
ready
to
face
it
yet.
"
【早晨似乎在我面前延伸,我还没有准备好面对它。
】
20.
"The
lure
of
a
lazy
morning
was
too
much
to
resist,
and
couldn't
bring
myself
to
leave.
"
【慵懒的早晨太诱人了,我无法自拔,不想离开。
】