.jpg)
1.
Wake
up
each
day
with
excitement
and
a
positive
outlook
on
what
the
future
holds.
【期待明天】
2.
Life
is
full
of
surprises,
embrace
them
with
open
arms
and
expect
something
amazing
to
happen
each
day.
【生活要期待明天】
3.
Don't
just
wait
for
tomorrow
to
come,
go
out
and
make
it
happen.
【每天要期待明天的生活】
4.
The
future
is
unknown
and
that's
what
makes
it
so
exciting.
【未来充满期待】
5.
Life
can
be
unpredictable,
but
the
anticipation
of
what's
to
come
can
make
it
an
adventure
worth
living.
【生活是冒险,期待是动力】
6.
Every
day
is
an
opportunity
for
growth
and
new
experiences,
so
look
forward
to
all
the
possibilities
that
tomorrow
has
to
offer.
【期待明天的新生活】
7.
No
matter
how
tough
today
may
be,
remember
that
tomorrow
is
a
chance
to
start
fresh
and
turn
things
around.
【难过的今天,期待新的明天】
8.
Instead
of
dreading
the
future,
approach
it
with
enthusiasm
and
hope
for
the
best.
【充满热情,期待美好的未来】
9.
Life
is
a
journey
full
of
twists
and
turns,
so
embrace
the
unknown
and
look
forward
to
what
lies
ahead.
【生命之旅充满期待】
10.
You
never
know
what
tomorrow
will
bring,
so
make
the
most
of
each
day
and
enjoy
the
ride.
【珍惜每时每刻,期待未来】
11.
Keep
your
heart
and
mind
open
to
new
opportunities
and
possibilities,
and
stay
excited
for
what
the
future
holds.
【接受一切可能性,期待未来】
12.
Life
is
too
short
to
not
look
forward
to
the
next
day,
so
find
joy
in
the
little
things
and
anticipate
the
big
things.
【人生短暂,期待新的日子】
13.
The
best
way
to
live
is
with
a
sense
of
wonder
and
inspiration,
always
looking
forward
to
the
next
adventure.
【勇敢探索,期待未来的冒险】
14.
Every
day
is
a
chance
to
learn,
grow,
and
discover
something
new,
so
approach
tomorrow
with
an
open
mind
and
a
willing
heart.
【不断学习,期待成长】
15.
Even
on
the
toughest
days,
never
lose
hope
for
a
better
tomorrow
and
keep
pushing
forward.
【无论如何,期待更好的明天】
16.
If
you're
not
excited
for
what
tomorrow
has
to
offer,
then
make
a
change
so
that
you
are.
【如果没有期待,那就做出改变】
17.
The
beauty
of
life
is
that
you
never
know
what's
around
the
corner,
so
stay
curious
and
excited
for
what's
next.
【生命的美好在于未知,期待新奇的未来】
18.
The
future
is
yours
to
create,
so
approach
it
with
intention
and
excitement
for
all
the
possibilities
that
await
you.
【缔造美好未来,期待充满惊喜的明天】
19.
When
you
wake
up
in
the
morning,
don't
just
think
about
what
needs
to
be
done,
think
about
all
the
amazing
things
that
could
happen.
【早上醒来,不仅仅考虑任务,期待惊人的事情】
20.
Life
should
be
lived
with
anticipation
and
optimism,
always
looking
forward
to
what's
next.
【生命要充满期待,始终眺望未来】