.jpg)
1.
"I
have
walked
that
long
road
to
freedom.
have
tried
not
to
falter;
have
made
missteps
along
the
way.
But
have
discovered
the
secret
that
after
climbing
a
great
hill,
one
only
finds
that
there
are
many
more
hills
to
climb.
"
【Mandela】
2.
"The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
"
【Mandela】
3.
"I
learned
that
courage
was
not
the
absence
of
fear,
but
the
triumph
over
it.
The
brave
man
is
not
he
who
does
not
feel
afraid,
but
he
who
conquers
that
fear.
"
【Mandela】
4.
"Do
not
judge
me
by
my
successes,
judge
me
by
how
many
times
fell
down
and
got
back
up
again.
"
【Mandela】
5.
"Education
is
the
most
powerful
weapon
which
you
can
use
to
change
the
world.
"
【Mandela】
6.
"A
good
head
and
a
good
heart
are
always
a
formidable
combination.
"
【Mandela】
7.
"I
am
not
a
saint,
unless
you
think
of
a
saint
as
a
sinner
who
keeps
on
trying.
"【Mandela】
8.
"Resentment
is
like
drinking
poison
and
then
hoping
it
will
kill
your
enemies.
"
【Mandela】
9.
"It
always
seems
impossible
until
it's
done.
"
【Mandela】
10.
"Lead
from
the
back
--
and
let
others
believe
they
are
in
front.
"
【Mandela】
11.
"No
one
is
born
hating
another
person
because
of
the
color
of
his
skin,
or
his
background,
or
his
religion.
People
must
learn
to
hate,
and
if
they
can
learn
to
hate,
they
can
be
taught
to
love,
for
love
comes
more
naturally
to
the
human
heart
than
its
opposite.
"
【Mandela】
12.
"There
is
no
passion
to
be
found
playing
small
--
in
settling
for
a
life
that
is
less
than
the
one
you
are
capable
of
living.
"
【Mandela】
13.
"I
like
friends
who
have
independent
minds
because
they
tend
to
make
you
see
problems
from
all
angles.
"
【Mandela】
14.
"As
walked
out
the
door
toward
the
gate
that
would
lead
to
my
freedom,
knew
if
didn't
leave
my
bitterness
and
hatred
behind,
I'd
still
be
in
prison.
"
【Mandela】
15.
"Real
leaders
must
be
ready
to
sacrifice
all
for
the
freedom
of
their
people.
"
【Mandela】
16.
"A
winner
is
a
dreamer
who
never
gives
up.
"
【Mandela】
17.
"Money
won't
create
success.
The
freedom
to
make
it
will.
"
【Mandela】
18.
"Difficulties
break
some
men
but
make
others.
No
axe
is
sharp
enough
to
cut
the
soul
of
a
sinner
who
keeps
on
trying,
one
armed
with
the
hope
that
he
will
rise
even
in
the
end.
"
【Mandela】
19.
"I
stand
here
before
you
not
as
a
prophet,
but
as
a
humble
servant
of
you,
the
people.
"
【Mandela】
20.
"May
your
choices
reflect
your
hopes,
not
your
fears.
"
【Mandela】