1.
"The
saddest
thing
about
love
is
not
the
ending,
but
the
bitterness
left
behind.
"
【Mo
Yan】
2.
"The
worst
loneliness
is
not
being
alone,
but
being
forgotten.
"
【Mo
Yan】
3.
"Crying
doesn't
mean
you're
weak,
it
means
you
have
been
strong
for
too
long.
"
【Mo
Yan】
4.
"Pain
makes
you
stronger,
tears
make
you
braver,
and
heartbreak
makes
you
wiser.
"
【Mo
Yan】
5.
"Sometimes
the
most
painful
lessons
are
the
ones
that
teach
us
the
most.
"
【Mo
Yan】
6.
"It's
hard
to
forget
someone
who
gave
you
so
much
to
remember.
"
【Mo
Yan】
7.
"Sometimes
we
have
to
let
go
of
the
life
we
planned,
to
accept
the
one
that
is
waiting
for
us.
"
【Mo
Yan】
8.
"The
past
cannot
be
changed,
forgotten,
edited,
or
erased.
It
can
only
be
accepted.
"
【Mo
Yan】
9.
"The
hardest
part
of
moving
on
is
realizing
that
the
other
person
already
did.
"
【Mo
Yan】
10.
"The
longer
you
dance
with
the
devil,
the
longer
it
takes
to
get
rid
of
the
burned
marks
on
your
soul.
"
【Mo
Yan】
11.
"Sometimes,
we
take
things
for
granted
until
they
are
taken
away
from
us.
"
【Mo
Yan】
12.
"The
deeper
the
love,
the
stronger
the
pain.
"
【Mo
Yan】
13.
"We
have
to
let
go
of
who
we
were
to
become
who
we
are.
"
【Mo
Yan】
14.
"Holding
onto
anger
is
like
drinking
poison
and
expecting
the
other
person
to
die.
"
【Mo
Yan】
15.
"We
don't
heal
in
isolation,
but
in
community.
"
【Mo
Yan】
16.
"Pain
demands
to
be
felt,
and
the
only
way
to
get
rid
of
it
is
to
go
through
it.
"
【Mo
Yan】
17.
"The
pain
of
letting
go
is
nothing
compared
to
the
pain
of
holding
on.
"
【Mo
Yan】
18.
"The
only
thing
worse
than
a
broken
heart
is
not
knowing
if
you'll
ever
be
able
to
mend
it.
"
【Mo
Yan】
19.
"Sometimes
the
scars
on
your
heart
are
the
most
visible
ones.
"
【Mo
Yan】
20.
"It
takes
time
to
heal
a
broken
heart,
but
it
takes
even
longer
to
trust
again.
"
【Mo
Yan】