.jpg)
1.
have
been
working
diligently,
why
do
you
treat
me
as
an
enemy?
【不当仇人,何必多言】
2.
Our
emperor
is
merciful,
how
could
he
possibly
be
a
tyrant?
【夫皇帝者,社稷之主,仁俊之望也】
3.
Let
us
put
our
personal
grievances
aside
and
focus
on
the
greater
good
of
our
country.
【大丈夫固当以国为家】
4.
The
loyalty
and
dedication
of
the
righteous
officials
should
not
be
questioned.
【有忠臣,不容讥议】
5.
am
willing
to
die
for
the
sake
of
justice
and
loyalty.
【臣死之日,当以忠报国】
6.
We
should
not
let
a
few
corrupt
officials
tarnish
the
reputation
of
our
government.
【藉此一逆臣之奸诈,玷污清白之朝廷】
7.
The
people's
voices
must
be
heard
and
their
grievances
addressed.
【臣等之言,实无可奉告,惟陛下裁之以听】
8.
The
emperor
should
not
let
himself
be
swayed
by
the
lies
and
deceit
of
the
traitors.
【百姓之所望也,陛下宜勉之哉】
9.
We
cannot
allow
the
enemy
to
infiltrate
and
destroy
us
from
within.
【不可以一旦之功,废成弥留之悔】
10.
Let
us
unite
as
one
and
fight
for
our
beloved
country.
【先帝创业未半而中道崩殂,今天下三分,益州疲弊,此诚危急存亡之秋也】
11.
My
loyalty
to
the
emperor
is
unwavering,
even
in
the
face
of
danger
and
adversity.
【臣虽才微,愿陛下以此为信】
12.
The
unrighteous
officials
should
not
be
allowed
to
thrive
at
the
expense
of
the
people.
【莫非法不为也,莫非惩戒不明也,此乃乱臣賊子之所为也】
13.
The
emperor's
benevolence
and
wisdom
will
ultimately
prevail
over
the
treachery
of
the
traitors.
【至死不渝,以成报国之志】
14.
We
must
stand
up
for
the
truth
and
defend
our
country's
honor.
【扬名声,声震四海】
15.
Let
us
not
forget
the
sacrifices
of
our
ancestors
and
the
responsibilities
we
carry
as
their
descendants.
【斩关夺隘,以全胜负之计,震慑东吴,破虏威西】
16.
The
righteous
officials
should
be
rewarded
and
honored,
not
punished
and
persecuted.
【有功之臣,实不可废也】
17.
The
people's
trust
and
support
is
the
foundation
of
a
strong
and
prosperous
country.
【急于灭吴,怨不在兵】
18.
Let
us
not
be
swayed
by
personal
gain
or
ambition,
but
work
for
the
collective
good
of
our
nation.
【莫若以明志,守此疆土,不废吾王,信义之师】
19.
The
emperor's
compassion
and
justice
will
restore
order
and
peace
to
our
country.
【天成于异,性皆有常】
20.
Let
us
cherish
and
uphold
our
country's
traditions
and
values,
and
strive
to
make
it
a
better
place
for
future
generations.
【鸲鹆外传,四海一家】