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1.
爱情并不是永恒的,它的结局有时候让人难以承受。
【Love
is
not
always
eternal,
and
its
ending
can
be
unbearable.
】
2.
爱情时常让人带着太多的期待走进,但结局却常常是未知的。
【Love
often
leads
people
into
it
with
too
much
expectation,
but
the
ending
is
often
unknown.
】
3.
有时候,即使彼此真心相爱,也无法阻止命运操控结局。
【Sometimes,
even
if
two
people
love
each
other
sincerely,
they
cannot
prevent
fate
from
controlling
the
ending.
】
4.
没有任何一段爱情是注定可以一直走下去的,因为结局因素太多。
【No
love
is
destined
to
last
forever,
as
there
are
too
many
factors
that
affect
the
ending.
】
5.
无论是否有结局,爱情都是值得拥有的。
【Love
is
worth
having,
whether
it
has
an
ending
or
not.
】
6.
有时候,一段无结局的爱情比拥有一个不美好的结局更加美好。
【Sometimes,
an
endless
love
is
better
than
one
with
a
bad
ending.
】
7.
没有人知道未来是否有结局,所以人们拥有的只有现在的爱情时光。
【Nobody
knows
if
there
will
be
an
ending;
all
people
have
is
the
present
time
of
love.
】
8.
能够爱上一个人是一种幸福,哪怕结局注定悲伤,也无法抹去爱情的美丽。
【To
love
someone
is
a
blessing,
and
even
if
the
ending
is
sad,
the
beauty
of
love
cannot
be
erased.
】
9.
不是所有的爱情都需要有结局,有的时候爱情本身就足够美好。
【Not
all
love
needs
an
ending;
sometimes
the
love
itself
is
beautiful
enough.
】
10.
爱情无法被控制,有些时候即使想拥有一个美好的结局,也无法做到。
【Love
is
uncontrollable,
and
sometimes
it
is
impossible
to
have
a
good
ending
even
if
you
want
to.
】
11.
没有结局的爱情是一种永不止息的追求。
【Endless
love
is
an
eternal
pursuit.
】
12.
生命中最漫长而又短暂的就是爱情,无论结局是否美好,这个过程也是值得珍惜的。
【The
longest
and
shortest
thing
in
life
is
love,
and
whether
the
ending
is
good
or
bad,
the
process
is
worth
cherishing.
】
13.
一段无结局的爱情就像那些不断散发光芒的星星,无论时间如何,它们依然闪耀着。
【Endless
love
is
like
those
shining
stars
that
keep
twinkling
no
matter
how
time
passes.
】
14.
爱情就像是一场冒险,结局并不重要,重要的是一路上的体验。
【Love
is
like
an
adventure,
and
the
ending
is
not
important;
what
matters
is
the
experience
along
the
way.
】
15.
有些时候,结局并不完全是因为两个人不合适,而是因为他们的生命轨迹不同。
【Sometimes,
the
ending
is
not
entirely
due
to
incompatibility
but
because
their
life
path
diverges.
】
16.
完美的结局只存在于童话故事中,现实中的爱情是没有标准答案的。
【An
ideal
ending
only
exists
in
fairy
tales,
and
there
is
no
standard
answer
for
love
in
reality.
】
17.
爱情不需要有一个明确的结局,只需要想爱就爱,想恋就恋,就算是在无结局的爱情中也是值得的。
【Love
doesn't
need
an
explicit
ending;
just
love
and
cherish,
even
in
endless
love.
】
18.
有时候,爱情的结局已经注定,但这并不影响两个人一起走过一段美好的时光。
【Sometimes,
the
ending
of
love
is
predetermined,
but
it
doesn't
prevent
two
people
from
enjoying
a
happy
time
together.
】
19.
爱情并不是残酷的,结局才是。
【Love
is
not
cruel;
it
is
the
ending
that
is.
】
20.
无论结局是怎样的,爱情始终是人类最纯粹的情感之一。
【No
matter
how
the
ending
is,
love
is
always
one
of
the
purest
human
emotions.
】