.jpg)
1.
Emotions
can
be
a
roller
coaster
ride,
but
don't
let
it
derail
you.
【心事不要让你失控】
2.
Sometimes,
the
deepest
feelings
are
better
left
unsaid.
【有些感受深埋内心】
3.
The
weight
of
emotions
can
be
heavy,
but
talking
it
out
can
make
it
lighter.
【倾诉可以减轻情绪负担】
4.
Holding
back
emotions
can
lead
to
an
emotional
blockage.
【压抑情感会导致情绪崩溃】
5.
Emotions
can
be
like
a
storm,
they
come
and
go.
【情感如暴风雨般来临,又很快过去】
6.
Don't
let
negative
emotions
take
over,
focus
on
the
positive.
【不要被消极情绪左右,保持乐观积极】
7.
Emotions
can
be
a
source
of
creativity
and
inspiration.
【情感可以激发创意和灵感】
8.
Finding
balance
in
emotions
is
key
to
a
healthy
mindset.
【情绪平衡是身心健康的关键】
9.
Emotions
can
make
us
vulnerable,
but
being
vulnerable
is
not
always
a
weakness.
【情感让我们脆弱,但这并不一定是弱点】
10.
Sometimes,
just
a
simple
gesture
or
kind
word
can
lift
our
spirits.
【有时候,一句关心的话或小小的举动可以令人心生温暖】
11.
Emotions
can
be
a
catalyst
for
change,
but
it's
best
to
make
changes
from
a
place
of
love.
【情感可以催化改变,但对自己的爱才是最好的动力】
12.
Letting
go
of
toxic
emotions
is
a
form
of
self-care.
【释放有毒情绪是一种自我疗愈的方式】
13.
Emotions
are
like
waves,
they
ebb
and
flow.
【情感如波涛般起伏不定】
14.
Learning
to
navigate
through
emotions
takes
practice
and
patience.
【学会从容应对情绪需要积累和耐心】
15.
Emotions
can
bring
us
closer
or
farther
apart
from
others.
【情感可以拉近或拉远彼此之间的距离】
16.
Expressing
emotions
can
be
scary,
but
it
can
also
be
liberating.
【表达情感困难但会让人感到轻松自在】
17.
Emotions
can
be
a
source
of
strength,
but
it's
important
to
recognize
when
it's
time
to
rest.
【情感可以成为力量源泉,但及时休息也十分重要】
18.
Sometimes,
it's
okay
to
not
have
all
the
answers.
【有时候,不知道答案也没有关系】
19.
Emotions
can
be
fleeting,
but
memories
last
forever.
【情感瞬息万变,而回忆却永存心底】
20.
Taking
care
of
your
emotions
is
not
selfish,
it's
necessary.
【关注自己的情感并不是自私,而是必要的】