.jpg)
1.
Monday
morning
blues
always
seem
to
kick
in
right
when
the
alarm
clock
goes
off.
【懒散的一周开始了】
2.
always
start
my
Monday
off
with
a
cup
of
coffee
to
help
me
tackle
the
day
ahead.
【咖啡是我每个星期一的救星】
3.
The
commute
to
work
seems
to
take
twice
as
long
on
Mondays.
【星期一路上总是堵车】
4.
have
to
remind
myself
to
stay
positive
and
motivated
on
Mondays,
even
when
don’t
feel
like
it.
【即使感觉糟糕,也要保持积极】
5.
Mondays
are
a
great
day
to
set
new
goals
and
intentions
for
the
week.
【星期一是一个好日子,可以制定新目标】
6.
like
to
start
my
Monday
mornings
with
a
workout
to
shake
off
any
lingering
feelings
of
laziness.
【锻炼可以消除懒惰情绪】
7.
Sometimes
it’s
hard
to
get
back
into
the
swing
of
things
on
Mondays
after
a
relaxing
weekend.
【周末放松后,星期一重新投入工作可能会很困难】
8.
always
try
to
make
Mondays
a
little
brighter
with
a
fun
outfit
or
a
favorite
breakfast.
【为了让星期一变得有趣一点,我会穿上喜欢的衣服或吃喜欢的早餐】
9.
find
that
Monday
mornings
are
a
great
time
to
do
some
quiet
reflection
or
journaling.
【在星期一早上静静反思写日记很有益】
10.
Monday
mornings
can
be
a
bit
overwhelming,
but
taking
things
one
step
at
a
time
makes
it
more
manageable.
【星期一早上可能会让人感到不知所措,但逐步行动可以让一切更加应付】
11.
On
Mondays,
always
try
to
tackle
the
most
challenging
tasks
on
my
to-do
list
first.
【星期一我会优先处理最具挑战性的待办事项】
12.
The
best
way
to
beat
the
Monday
blues
is
to
focus
on
something
positive,
like
planning
a
fun
weekend
ahead.
【打败星期一的最好方法是专注于积极的事情,比如计划一个有趣的周末】
13.
like
to
listen
to
upbeat
music
on
my
way
to
work
on
Mondays
to
help
me
start
the
day
off
on
the
right
foot.
【星期一上班路上,我喜欢听欢快的音乐,来帮助我开始一个美好的一天】
14.
Mondays
can
be
tough,
but
having
a
positive
attitude
can
make
all
the
difference.
【星期一可能会很艰难,但积极的态度可以带来巨大的改变】
15.
find
that
setting
small
goals
throughout
the
day
on
Mondays
helps
me
stay
focused
and
motivated.
【星期一设定小目标有助于我保持专注和动力】
16.
Mondays
are
a
great
time
to
catch
up
on
any
lingering
tasks
from
the
previous
week.
【星期一是一个很好的机会,可以赶上上周滞留的任务】
17.
Starting
the
week
off
with
a
clean
and
organized
workspace
always
helps
me
feel
more
productive
on
Mondays.
【在星期一有一个清洁整洁的工作空间,能让我感到更有生产力】
18.
Despite
the
Monday
blues,
always
try
to
find
something
to
be
grateful
for.
【即使是星期一,我也会找到一些值得感激的事情】
19.
make
sure
to
take
breaks
throughout
the
day
on
Mondays
to
help
combat
any
feelings
of
overwhelm.
【星期一要保证适当的休息时间,以避免感到不知所措】
20.
Mondays
can
be
challenging,
but
remembering
that
it’s
a
fresh
start
to
a
new
week
can
help
shift
my
mindset.
【星期一可能会充满挑战,但记住它象征着新的一周的开始可以转变我的思维方式】