.jpg)
1.
"Together
we
stand,
divided
we
fall.
"
Let's
work
as
a
team
to
achieve
success!
【TeamWorkGoals】
2.
"Coming
together
is
a
beginning,
staying
together
is
progress,
and
working
together
is
success.
"
Let's
start
our
journey
towards
success
together!
【TeamGoals】
3.
"Alone
we
can
do
so
little;
together
we
can
do
so
much.
"
Let's
join
forces
and
make
a
difference!
【UnityInStrength】
4.
"Teamwork
is
the
ability
to
work
together
towards
a
common
vision.
"
Let's
have
a
clear
vision
and
work
together
to
achieve
it!
【VisionaryTeam】
5.
"Two
heads
are
better
than
one.
"
Let's
collaborate
and
come
up
with
innovative
ideas!
【CollaborativeInnovation】
6.
"No
man
is
an
island,
entire
of
itself.
"
Let's
acknowledge
the
importance
of
teamwork
and
support
each
other!
【NoManIsAnIsland】
7.
"A
team
is
not
a
group
of
people
who
work
together.
team
is
a
group
of
people
who
trust
each
other.
"
Let's
build
a
foundation
of
trust
and
work
as
a
team
to
achieve
success!
【TrustInTeam】
8.
"Individually,
we
are
one
drop.
Together,
we
are
an
ocean.
"
Let's
unite
and
be
a
force
to
be
reckoned
with!
【UniteAsOne】
9.
"The
strength
of
the
team
is
each
individual
member.
The
strength
of
each
member
is
the
team.
"
Let's
empower
each
other
and
work
together
towards
success!
【StrengthInUnity】
10.
"Teamwork
divides
the
task
and
multiplies
the
success.
"
Let's
divide
the
workload
and
share
the
success!
【DivisionMultiplesSuccess】
11.
"Together,
we
can
conquer
the
world.
"
Let's
take
on
challenges
together
and
achieve
greatness!
【ConquerTogether】
12.
"A
successful
team
is
a
group
of
many
hands
and
one
mind.
"
Let's
communicate
effectively
and
work
towards
a
common
goal
as
one!
【OneMindOneTeam】
13.
"The
best
teamwork
comes
from
men
who
are
working
independently
towards
one
goal
in
unison.
"
Let's
work
independently
and
collectively
towards
our
common
goal!
【IndependentUnison】
14.
"United
we
stand,
divided
we
fall.
"
Let's
stay
united
and
achieve
greatness!
【UnitedWeStand】
15.
"Teamwork
makes
the
dream
work.
"
Let's
make
our
dreams
come
true
through
the
power
of
teamwork!
【DreamTeam】
16.
"The
achievements
of
an
organization
are
the
results
of
the
combined
efforts
of
each
individual.
"
Let's
recognize
and
acknowledge
the
efforts
of
each
individual
in
our
team!
【IndividualEffortsCollectiveSuccess】
17.
"No
one
can
whistle
a
symphony.
It
takes
a
whole
orchestra
to
play
it.
"
Let's
work
together
as
a
team
and
create
beautiful
music!
【SymphonyTeam】
18.
"The
secret
to
teamwork
is
an
outward
mindset.
"
Let's
have
a
positive
attitude
and
focus
on
the
success
of
our
team!
【OutwardMindset】
19.
"Teamwork
is
the
fuel
that
allows
common
people
to
attain
uncommon
results.
"
Let's
be
an
uncommon
team
and
achieve
extraordinary
results!
【UncommonTeamUncommonResults】
20.
"The
strength
of
a
team
is
not
in
its
stars,
but
in
how
well
they
work
together.
"
Let's
focus
on
our
collective
strength
and
work
together
to
achieve
success!
【StrengthThroughCollaboration】