1.
"Love
me
tender,
love
me
sweet,
never
let
me
go.
"
【爱我温柔,爱我甜蜜,不要让我离开。
】
2.
"A
gentle
word,
a
kind
look,
a
good-natured
smile
can
work
wonders
and
accomplish
miracles.
"
【一句温柔的话,一个善良的眼神,一个和蔼的微笑可以创造奇迹。
】
3.
"The
greatest
gift
you
can
give
someone
is
your
love
and
kindness.
"
【你能给予别人最伟大的礼物,就是你的爱和善良。
】
4.
"Love
is
patient,
love
is
kind.
It
does
not
envy,
it
does
not
boast,
it
is
not
proud.
"
【爱是耐心的,爱是善良的。
它不嫉妒,不自夸,不自大。
】
5.
"In
a
world
where
you
can
be
anything,
be
kind.
"
【在这个允许你成为任何人的世界里,选择善良。
】
6.
"Kindness
is
the
sunshine
in
which
virtue
grows.
"
【善良是培养美德的阳光。
】
7.
"True
love
is
not
about
possession,
it's
all
about
appreciation.
"
【真爱不是占有,而是欣赏。
】
8.
"The
warmth
of
love
is
felt
through
gentle
touches
and
kind
words.
"
【爱的温暖感受到手触和言谈之中。
】
9.
"To
love
is
to
be
vulnerable,
but
it’s
worth
taking
that
risk.
"
【爱意味着脆弱,但这个风险是值得的。
】
10.
"Love
makes
the
world
go
round,
so
spread
it
everywhere
you
go.
"
【爱使世界运转,所以无论走到哪里都要传递它。
】
11.
"The
gentle
touch
of
love
can
heal
even
the
deepest
wounds.
"
【爱的温柔之触能够治愈最深的伤口。
】
12.
"Love
is
the
bridge
that
connects
us
to
each
other.
"
【爱是沟通我们之间的桥梁。
】
13.
"Kindness
is
like
a
ripple
effect,
it
spreads
and
touches
the
lives
of
many.
"
【善良就像涟漪效应,它会传播并触及很多人的生命。
】
14.
"The
language
of
love
is
spoken
softly
and
with
kindness.
"
【爱的语言是轻声细语和温柔的说话方式。
】
15.
"A
little
kindness
goes
a
long
way
and
can
brighten
someone's
day.
"
【一点点善良的举动可以产生巨大的影响,并让别人的心情变得明媚。
】
16.
"Love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it’s
an
action
that
we
take
every
day.
"
【爱不仅是一种感觉,还是我们每天采取的行动。
】
17.
"A
kind
heart
is
a
fountain
of
gladness,
making
everything
in
its
vicinity
freshen
into
smiles.
"
【善良的心灵是喜悦的源泉,让周围的一切都变得新鲜和舒适。
】
18.
"The
beauty
of
love
lies
in
its
gentleness,
kindness,
and
tenderness.
"
【爱的美丽在于它的温柔、善良和柔情。
】
19.
"Love
and
kindness
cannot
be
bought,
they
are
gifts
from
the
heart.
"
【爱和善良不能被买卖,它们是来自内心的礼物。
】
20.
"A
gentle
touch,
a
kind
word,
a
loving
smile
–
these
are
the
ingredients
of
a
happy
life.
"
【轻轻的碰触、和善的言辞和充满爱的微笑,这些是幸福生活的要素。
】