1.
Sometimes,
life
can
feel
heavy
and
overwhelming.
【心情糟糕】
2.
It's
okay
to
not
feel
okay,
and
it's
okay
to
ask
for
help.
【需要帮助】
3.
The
pressure
to
constantly
succeed
and
achieve
can
be
exhausting.
【成功的压力】
4.
It's
important
to
take
time
for
self-care
and
mental
health.
【关注自己的心理健康】
5.
Loneliness
can
be
a
difficult
emotion
to
deal
with,
but
know
that
you
are
not
alone.
【孤独的感受】
6.
At
times,
it
may
seem
like
the
world
is
against
us.
Remember
that
we
are
stronger
than
our
struggles.
【面对挫折】
7.
It's
okay
to
have
bad
days,
they
make
us
appreciate
the
good
ones
even
more.
【坏日子】
8.
Sometimes,
all
we
need
is
a
little
bit
of
perspective
to
see
things
in
a
new
light.
【看待问题的角度】
9.
Anxiety
and
worry
can
be
all-consuming,
but
remember
to
breathe
and
take
things
one
step
at
a
time.
【焦虑问题】
10.
It's
important
to
remember
that
our
worth
is
not
tied
to
our
accomplishments.
【价值与成就】
11.
Social
media
and
comparison
can
make
us
feel
inferior,
but
remember
that
we
are
all
on
our
own
unique
paths.
【社交媒体与比较】
12.
The
fear
of
failure
can
sometimes
stop
us
from
pursuing
our
dreams,
but
remember
that
failure
is
a
part
of
the
journey
to
success.
【害怕失败】
13.
Rejection
and
disappointment
can
hurt,
but
they
do
not
define
us.
【拒绝与挫折】
14.
It's
okay
to
take
a
break
and
rest
when
needed.
Our
bodies
and
minds
need
time
to
recharge.
【休息的重要性】
15.
Change
and
uncertainty
can
be
scary,
but
they
can
also
lead
to
growth
and
new
opportunities.
【变与不确定性】
16.
Gratitude
and
positivity
can
help
shift
our
mindset
and
bring
more
joy
to
our
lives.
【感恩与积极】
17.
It's
important
to
surround
ourselves
with
people
who
support
and
uplift
us.
【支持与激励】
18.
Forgiveness,
both
for
ourselves
and
others,
can
bring
healing
and
peace.
【谅解与宽恕】
19.
Our
emotions
are
valid
and
should
not
be
dismissed
or
ignored.
【情感的重要性】
20.
Life
can
be
tough,
but
remember
that
there
is
always
hope
and
a
new
day
to
start
over.
【希望与新的开始】