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1.
"君子如玉,妾身只为成全你。
"
【A
gentleman
like
you,
my
body
and
soul
are
devoted
to
you.
】
2.
"胭脂泪,红烛冷,此情可待成追忆。
"
【Tears
and
candles
witness
our
affection,
yet
only
in
the
memory
can
it
be
cherished.
】
3.
"相思如烟,愁绪难寄。
"
【Missing
you
is
like
smoke,
and
my
sorrows
are
hard
to
express.
】
4.
"梨花一枝春带雨,含笑入门是女人。
"
【A
branch
of
pear
flower
in
the
rain
of
spring,
a
woman
who
enters
with
a
smile.
】
5.
"天上人间有梦想,此情可待成追寻。
"
【Dreams
in
heaven
and
earth,
and
the
affection
can
be
pursued.
】
6.
"众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。
"
【In
my
search
through
a
thousand
paths,
suddenly
turn
and
find
you
in
the
dim
lights.
】
7.
"此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然。
"
【This
affection
can
be
cherished
in
memory,
yet
it
was
already
gone
at
the
time.
】
8.
"山无陵,江水为竭,冬雷震震,夏雨雪,天地合,乃敢与君绝。
"
【Even
if
mountains
fall,
and
rivers
run
dry,
and
thunder
strikes
in
winter
and
snow
falls
in
summer,
will
not
part
with
you.
】
9.
"相思寄君,一曲离歌,不尽长江滚滚。
"
【My
missing
you
is
expressed
in
a
farewell
song,
yet
it
cannot
match
the
endless
stream
of
the
Yangtze
River.
】
10.
"携手共赏夕阳红,此情可待何时重逢。
"
【Let's
watch
the
red
sunset
hand
in
hand,
and
wait
for
the
reunion
of
our
love.
】
11.
"茕茕白兔,东走西顾,愿得一人心,白首不分离。
"
【Like
a
lonely
white
rabbit,
wander
east
and
west,
but
hope
to
find
one
true
love
and
never
part
until
we
turn
old
and
gray.
】
12.
"风也渐渐凉了,只有你的心却越来越暖。
"
【The
wind
is
getting
colder,
yet
your
heart
is
getting
warmer.
】
13.
"天若有情天亦老,人间正道是沧桑。
"
【Even
if
the
heavens
have
feelings,
they
will
still
age.
The
path
of
life
in
the
human
world
is
full
of
changes.
】
14.
"两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。
"
【If
our
love
can
last
long,
why
worry
about
every
moment
of
separation
and
reunion?】
15.
"醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回。
"
【Do
not
mock
me
for
sleeping
drunk
on
the
battlefield,
as
for
thousands
of
years,
how
many
soldiers
have
returned
from
the
war?】
16.
"春风不度玉门关,还似今朝是歌声。
"
【As
the
spring
breeze
cannot
pass
through
the
Yumen
Pass,
the
song
today
sounds
like
yesterday's.
】
17.
"一缕红烟染素衣,千愁万恨愿随风。
"
【The
red
smoke
stains
my
plain
dress,
and
wish
thousands
of
worries
and
sorrows
would
vanish
with
the
wind.
】
18.
"玉楼高处梦难成,美人迟暮一声惊。
"
【The
dream
at
the
high
tower
cannot
come
true,
and
the
beauty
is
startled
by
one
sudden
sound.
】
19.
"不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。
"
【Not
knowing
the
true
face
of
Mount
Lu,
but
feeling
its
beauty
while
being
on
the
mountain.
】
20.
"明月几时有?把酒问青天。
"
【When
will
there
be
a
bright
moon?
Raise
a
glass
and
ask
the
blue
sky.
】