.jpg)
1.
"Sisters
by
chance,
friends
by
choice.
"
【友谊缘起于姐妹】
2.
"A
sister
may
drive
you
crazy
at
times,
but
she
will
always
have
your
back.
"
【姐妹之间可以互相切磋,更是从不离弃】
3.
"Having
a
sister
is
like
having
a
best
friend
you
can't
get
rid
of.
You
know
whatever
you
do,
they'll
still
be
there.
"
【拥有姐妹,就好像拥有一位永远不会离开你的好友】
4.
"A
sister
shares
childhood
memories
and
grown-up
dreams.
"
【姐妹共享着童年的回忆和成年的憧憬】
5.
"Sisters
are
different
flowers
from
the
same
garden.
"
【姐妹同出一源,却各具特色】
6.
"Sisters
are
joined
heart
to
heart,
distance
and
time
can't
break
them
apart.
"
【姐妹之间,心相连,距离和时间无法离散】
7.
"A
sister
is
a
gift
to
the
heart,
a
friend
to
the
spirit,
a
golden
thread
to
the
meaning
of
life.
"
【姐妹是心灵的礼物、精神的朋友、生命意义中的黄金线索】
8.
"Sisters
will
always
pick
you
up
when
you
fall
down.
"
【姐妹总会在你跌倒时扶你一把】
9.
"A
sister
is
a
little
bit
of
childhood
that
can
never
be
lost.
"
【姐妹是一点不容丢失的童年回忆】
10.
"Sisters
may
fight
and
argue,
but
at
the
end
of
the
day
they
are
family
and
they
love
each
other.
"
【姐妹可能会相互争吵,但归根结底,她们只是亲人之间,依然相爱】
11.
"A
sister
is
someone
who
listens
when
you
talk,
jokes
when
you're
in
a
good
mood,
and
sympathizes
when
you're
sad.
"
【姐妹是那个会倾听、调侃开心,感同身受哀伤的人】
12.
"Sisters
are
like
diamonds
-
strong,
beautiful,
and
forever.
"
【姐妹就像钻石一样,坚强美丽,永不褪色】
13.
"A
sister
is
worth
a
thousand
friends.
"
【姐妹胜过千万名友】
14.
"Sisters
are
united
by
blood
and
bound
by
love.
"
【姐妹以血缘相连,以爱相扶】
15.
"A
sister
is
a
piece
of
childhood
that
can
never
be
lost.
"
【姐妹是那个无法失落的童年碎片】
16.
"Sisters
are
the
perfect
best
friend.
"
【姐妹是最完美的好友】
17.
"A
sister
is
a
forever
friend.
"
【姐妹是永不褪色的朋友】
18.
"Sisters
are
your
first
best
friend,
and
your
forever
best
friend.
"
【姐妹是你的首个、永远最好的朋友】
19.
"A
sister
is
a
gift
to
the
heart,
a
friend
to
the
spirit,
and
a
partner
to
the
soul.
"
【姐妹是心灵的礼物,精神的朋友,灵魂的伴侣】
20.
"Sisters
are
the
glue
that
holds
the
family
together.
"
【姐妹像一个家族的胶水,紧紧地粘合在一起】