1.
"No
Monday
blues
for
me,
I'm
ready
to
conquer
the
week!"
【#Motivated】
2.
"Morning
commute
got
me
feeling
like
a
sardine
in
a
can.
"
【#Cramped】
3.
"Coffee:
because
adulting
is
hard.
"
【#Caffeinated】
4.
"Work,
work,
work.
.
.
time
flies
when
you're
not
having
fun.
"
【#Grinding】
5.
Ready
to
kick
off
the
weekend
in
style!"
【#Excited】
6.
"Boss:
You
have
to
come
in
on
Saturday.
Me:
Sure,
just
let
me
check
my
calendar.
.
.
oh
wait,
have
no
life.
"
【#Sarcasm】
7.
"Another
day,
another
dollar.
.
.
or
should
say
another
coffee.
"
【#Dependent】
8.
"Why
do
weekends
always
go
by
so
fast?"
【#Baffled】
9.
"Gotta
love
those
mid-week
meetings
that
could
have
been
an
email.
"
【#Frustrated】
10.
"Lunch
break:
the
only
thing
getting
me
through
this
day.
"
【#Hungry】
11.
"When
your
coworker
brings
in
donuts
and
you
realize
you're
part
of
a
secret
donut
club.
"
【#Happy】
12.
"I
swear
spend
more
time
in
traffic
than
do
at
work.
"
【#CommuterProblems】
13.
"Just
one
more
email.
.
.
said
me
five
emails
ago.
"
【#Procrastination】
14.
"At
least
my
office
has
a
view
of
the
parking
lot.
"
【#SarcasticOptimism】
15.
"Can't
wait
to
get
off
work
and
continue
working
on
my
Netflix
binge.
"
【#Chilling】
16.
"How
many
cups
of
coffee
is
too
many
cups
of
coffee?"
【#Addicted】
17.
"The
hardest
part
of
my
day
is
pretending
to
work
when
my
boss
walks
by.
"
【#ActingSkills】
18.
"Why
do
weekends
always
involve
so
much
laundry?"
【#AdultingProblems】
19.
"Nothing
beats
a
good
gossip
session
during
lunch
break.
"
【#KeepingItReal】
20.
"Who
needs
a
social
life
when
you
have
a
job?"
【#Workaholic】