.jpg)
1.
“Her
soft
curls
cascaded
down
her
shoulders,
making
her
look
even
more
beautiful.
”
【美丽的女人总是能让人心动】
2.
“He
gently
brushed
her
long
hair
away
from
her
face
and
whispered
in
her
ear.
”
【柔情男子,总是能赢得女人的心】
3.
“The
way
she
looked
at
him
was
enough
to
make
his
heart
skip
a
beat.
”
【有时候,一个温柔的眼神就能让人为之动容】
4.
“Her
hair
was
like
a
river
of
gold,
shimmering
in
the
sunlight.
”
【一头秀发,是女人最优美的装饰】
5.
“He
loved
the
way
her
hair
smelled
after
it
had
been
washed
with
her
favorite
shampoo.
”
【细节才是真正的情话】
6.
“She
ran
her
fingers
through
his
hair
and
smiled.
”
【爱情需要温柔】
7.
“He
couldn’t
help
but
feel
a
rush
of
emotions
whenever
she
wore
her
hair
in
a
bun.
”
【穿着柔软的头发,女人总显出温柔可人的一面】
8.
“Her
hair
was
so
long
and
beautiful,
he
wanted
to
run
his
hands
through
it
all
day.
”
【一只手,一头发,就能让人们心与心之间产生共鸣】
9.
“He
liked
the
way
she
wore
her
hair
up,
exposing
her
delicate
neck.
”
【一个优雅的发型,有时候胜过珠宝首饰】
10.
“She
looked
like
an
angel,
with
her
hair
blowing
in
the
breeze.
”
【爱情需要好风景来点缀】
11.
“He
couldn’t
take
his
eyes
off
her,
as
she
twirled
her
hair
around
her
finger.
”
【闲暇时,一定要好好的互相呵护一下彼此,就算是装装可爱也会增加些情趣哦】
12.
“Her
hair
was
always
so
soft
and
silky,
he
couldn’t
resist
touching
it.
”
【爱情的温度总是由感性转换到理性】
13.
“Every
time
she
walked
by,
he
couldn’t
help
but
notice
how
her
hair
swayed
with
each
step.
”
【对于那些爱情注定的人来说,温柔就是本色】
14.
“He
loved
it
when
she
wore
her
hair
in
loose
waves,
it
made
her
look
so
carefree.
”
【在彼此被压迫的这个世界里,一次简单的微笑会带给我们想要放松和快乐的感觉】
15.
“She
looked
like
a
queen,
with
her
hair
swept
up
in
an
elegant
bun.
”
【每个人都应该学会做一个令自己喜欢的人,或者自己喜欢的样子】
16.
“He
couldn’t
stop
staring
at
her,
as
she
brushed
her
hair
in
front
of
the
mirror.
”
【一个淡淡的吻,只为增加彼此间的感官体验】
17.
“There
was
something
about
the
way
she
wore
her
hair
that
always
caught
his
eye.
”
【每个人都是自己独特的天使,只是配角不同而已】
18.
“Her
hair
was
like
a
work
of
art,
he
couldn’t
believe
how
beautiful
she
was.
”
【爱情不是重复,而是创造性的共存】
19.
“He
liked
it
when
she
wore
her
hair
tied
back
in
a
messy
bun,
it
made
her
look
so
cute.
”
【最怕你一生碌碌无为,还安慰自己平凡可贵】
20.
“Whenever
she
smiled,
her
hair
seemed
to
shine
even
brighter.
”
【以爱为名,勇敢追求自己的幸福】