.jpg)
1.
“Has
anybody
ever
taken
a
leap
of
faith
and
confessed
their
feelings
to
someone
special?”
【暗示别人表白】
2.
“Sometimes,
it’s
worth
taking
a
risk
and
letting
someone
know
how
you
feel…”
【表白是值得冒险的】
3.
“Go
ahead
and
tell
them
how
you
feel,
you
never
know
where
it
could
lead…”
【鼓励表白】
4.
“The
best
things
in
life
often
require
a
little
bravery
and
vulnerability…”
【勇敢和脆弱是最好的感情开端】
5.
“Life
is
short,
don’t
hesitate
to
speak
your
heart…”
【时光荏苒,不要犹豫地说出你的心声】
6.
“A
simple
‘I
love
you’
can
change
everything…”
【简单的表白可以改变一切】
7.
“It
takes
courage
to
confess
your
feelings,
but
it’s
worth
it…”
【拥有勇气表白是值得的】
8.
“Maybe
it’s
time
to
take
a
chance
on
love…”
【是时候在爱情上冒险了】
9.
“Sometimes
the
fear
of
rejection
holds
us
back,
but
it
shouldn’t…”
【害怕被拒绝不能阻止我们表白】
10.
“Is
there
someone
you’ve
been
thinking
about
lately?
Maybe
it’s
time
to
let
them
know…”
【思念的人是否值得告知】
11.
“A
simple
message
can
make
someone’s
day…”
【一条简单的信息可以让人开心一整天】
12.
“Confessing
your
feelings
can
be
scary,
but
regret
is
scarier…”
【表白是有一定风险,但后悔更可怕】
13.
“If
you
love
someone,
let
them
know
before
it’s
too
late…”
【如果喜欢某人,就要及时说出来】
14.
“Sometimes
love
is
just
a
few
words
away…”
【爱就是几句话的事情】
15.
“Fear
can
hold
us
back,
but
love
can
set
us
free…”
【害怕会限制我们,爱会释放我们】
16.
“Confession
is
good
for
the
soul
and
the
heart…”
【表白有益心灵和健康】
17.
“Take
a
deep
breath
and
let
your
heart
guide
you…”
【深呼吸,听从内心的引导】
18.
“The
worst
that
can
happen
is
they
say
no,
but
at
least
you
tried…”
【最坏的结果是被拒绝,但至少你尝试了】
19.
“True
love
requires
honesty
and
vulnerability…”
【真爱需要诚实和脆弱】
20.
“Life
is
too
short
to
keep
your
feelings
bottled
up
inside…”
【人生短暂,不应将感情压抑】