1.
时光匆匆,所有美好都已远去。
】
2.
The
past
is
like
a
distant
beauty
that
can
never
be
recaptured.
【
3.
远方的风景,总是更加美丽动人。
】
4.
Distance
can
make
things
appear
more
beautiful
than
they
actually
are.
【
5.
我们总是对逝去的岁月心有余而力不足。
】
6.
We
always
have
more
heart
than
strength
when
it
comes
to
the
passing
of
time.
【
7.
追随着远去的风,追逐着未知的明天。
】
8.
Chase
the
wind
that
has
gone
and
follow
the
unknown
tomorrow.
【
9.
人生就像一条漫长的河流,孤独而美丽。
】
10.
Life
is
like
a
long
river,
lonely
yet
beautiful.
【
11.
思念之所以美好,是因为它让我们想起远去的故人。
】
12.
Nostalgia
is
beautiful
because
it
reminds
us
of
those
who
have
gone
before
us.
【
13.
一切美好都随时间而消逝,唯一不能被消逝的是记忆。
】
14.
All
beauty
fades
with
time,
except
for
memories
that
never
disappear.
【
15.
在远离的地方,寻找着我们曾经追逐的梦想。
】
16.
In
a
distant
place,
we
search
for
the
dreams
we
once
chased
after.
【
17.
我们无法把握未来,唯一能做的就是珍惜每一个此刻。
】
18.
We
cannot
grasp
the
future,
all
we
can
do
is
cherish
every
moment.
【
19.
人生就像一场旅行,只有走过了长长的路程,才能回味点滴美好。
】
20.
Life
is
like
a
journey,
only
after
walking
a
long
distance
can
we
look
back
on
the
moments
of
beauty.
【