1.
"I
prioritize
my
mental
health
and
always
strive
to
keep
my
life
manageable.
"
【个人生活自控】
2.
"With
discipline
and
focus,
am
able
to
shape
my
life
into
what
desire.
"
【自我约束力很重要】
3.
"I
am
the
master
of
my
own
destiny
and
responsible
for
the
choices
make.
"
【自我责任】
4.
"Each
day,
take
steps
to
ensure
my
life
is
under
my
control,
not
vice
versa.
"
【日复一日的努力,让生活更加可控】
5.
"I
set
boundaries
and
make
sure
to
stick
to
them,
even
when
it's
difficult.
"
【设立自我边界】
6.
"I
prioritize
self-care,
recognizing
that
it
is
essential
to
maintaining
a
sense
of
control
in
my
life.
"
【注重自我保健】
7.
"I
plan
diligently
and
adapt
when
necessary,
always
striving
for
a
sense
of
stability
and
control.
"
【制定计划,敢于变换】
8.
"By
taking
things
one
step
at
a
time,
am
able
to
handle
any
challenge
that
comes
my
way.
"
【稳扎稳打,迎难而上】
9.
"I
am
mindful
of
my
priorities,
and
make
sure
they
align
with
my
goals
and
values.
"
【意识到自己的价值、目标和优先事项】
10.
"I
take
ownership
of
my
mistakes
and
use
them
as
opportunities
for
growth,
rather
than
allowing
them
to
control
me.
"
【拥有错误,把它们当成成长机会】
11.
"I
am
proactive
in
seeking
out
solutions,
rather
than
waiting
for
circumstances
to
dictate
my
life.
"
【积极寻找解决方案】
12.
"I
recognize
that
control
is
not
always
possible,
but
make
sure
to
focus
on
what
can
control
and
let
go
of
what
cannot.
"
【认识到掌控不了的地方,专注于可以掌控的事情】
13.
"I
prioritize
communication,
both
with
myself
and
with
others,
to
ensure
everyone
is
on
the
same
page.
"
【注重沟通,让自己和他人都理解彼此的想法】
14.
"I
am
intentional
with
my
time
and
energy,
focusing
on
what
matters
most
and
letting
go
of
distractions.
"
【时间和精力有限,集中精力做最重要的事情】
15.
"I
seek
out
support
when
needed,
recognizing
that
no
one
can
do
everything
alone.
"
【需要支持时,不怕求助】
16.
"I
am
adaptable
and
open-minded,
recognizing
that
the
unexpected
can
often
bring
opportunities
for
growth
and
change.
"
【开放心态,适应变化】
17.
"I
make
sure
to
carve
out
time
for
relaxation
and
self-reflection,
recognizing
that
this
is
key
to
maintaining
a
sense
of
control
in
my
life.
"
【时间管理,找到适合自己的放松方式】
18.
"I
am
intentional
in
my
relationships,
surrounding
myself
with
positive
influences
and
letting
go
of
toxic
ones.
"
【积极建立良好关系,排除不良能量】
19.
"I
recognize
that
self-control
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination,
and
am
committed
to
continual
growth
and
improvement.
"
【知道自我控制是一个长久的过程,不断进步】
20.
"Ultimately,
am
in
control
of
my
own
happiness
and
success,
and
take
this
responsibility
seriously.
"
【成功和幸福在自己手中,自我责任是关键】